By The Chip Witch on Wednesday, 09 August 2023
Category: Gemini

The Moon is moving from Taurus to Gemini

"E.T. Phone Home? Nah, the Moon's Ditching Taurus for Gemini: Expect Major Mood Swings and Possibly Extra-Terrestrial Calls!"

The Moon is moving from Taurus to Gemini in the next 24 hours.

Moon In Gemini

The moon in Gemini is your time to get social. Reach out and communicate, and remember that listening is always better than speaking. Negotiate now if you've got that on your plate. Do your research, pick up that book, and watch that documentary.

Why? Because Gemini moon means that you are also easily distracted, so something upon which to focus is a good idea, and some good progress can come of it.


#Moon #Gemini #Taurus

Goodness, Moon! You are on the move again, aren't you? Shuffling from the stalwart, stubborn Taurus into the ever-fluttering, chatty Gemini territory. It's a bit like vacating a pleasant cottage to move into a bustling, intergalactic coffee shop where everyone has a story and no one has any personal space. In Taurus, you were as reliable as a Swiss watch or a Dalek on a mission - set in your ways, predictable, and just a tad bit grumpy about being disturbed. You'd sit there night after night, casting moody shadows and looking as if you've just been asked to solve a particularly pesky quantum physics equation. But now, oh now! Now, you're moving into Gemini. If Taurus was a Physics lecture, Gemini is a multi-dimensional, time-travelling party with all the aliens from across the galaxy. Suddenly, it's not about stability, but about change, communication, and a bit of good-natured chaos. Instead of sulking in the corner, you're now expected to be the life of the party, flitting from conversation to conversation, never still, never silent. And you know what? That's perfectly fine. It might be a bit much at first, but you'll adapt. You always do. You might even find that you enjoy this new, dynamic energy. After all, who wants to be a grumpy old rock when you can be a dazzling celestial body? So, brace yourself, Moon. It's going to be a bumpy ride, but I promise it's going to be fun. And remember, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. So, let's make it a fantastic one! #TheMoonMoves #GeminiGiggles #TaurusToGemini #CelestialShenanigans

Moon, Taurus, Gemini

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