By The Chip Witch on Tuesday, 25 July 2023
Category: Virgo

Virgo Report

"Virgo's Forecast: Stars Align to Organize Your Sock Drawer, Alien Abductions Less Likely This Month!"

The next Virgo will start in 30 days, at Thursday, 24 August, 2023

The Moon moves to Virgo in 23 days, at Thursday, 17 August, 2023

Mercury moves to Virgo in 4 days, at Saturday, 29 July, 2023

Venus moves to Virgo in 76 days, at Monday, 09 October, 2023

Mars is currently in Virgo

The First Quarter moon is currently 6.8 days old. The next new moon is at 9:38:49, 16 Aug 2023. The next full moon is at 1:37:05, 31 Aug 2023.

Hey there Virgo, it's your friendly neighborhood astrologer here, coming at you from the interstellar bridge of my spaceship, currently parked in an alternate dimension. Just kidding, I'm actually in my mom's basement. So, Mars is hanging out with you right now. You might be feeling a bit like a fire ant in a sugar factory - so much energy, so much to do! But remember, Virgo, even ants need a break sometimes. Don't burn yourself out trying to colonize the whole factory at once. The First Quarter Moon, that cosmic cheese wheel in the sky, is about 6.8 days old. In human years, that's like... preschool age? So be patient with it, and yourself. Life is a learning journey, even for celestial bodies. Your planetary BFF, Mercury, is also whispering sweet nothings into the universe, reminding you to communicate - just don't start speaking in binary code or alien gibberish. Trust me, it doesn't work as well as you'd think. Remember, you're a Virgo, you've got this. You're like Sheldon Cooper meets Bob Ross - analytical yet creative. Just remember to breathe, take breaks and maybe paint some happy little trees if you need to. You've got a wonderful week ahead, filled with cosmic energy, otherworldly wisdom, and possibly an alien encounter or two (just kidding, probably not, but always stay prepared). Stay groovy, Virgo! #VirgoVibes #MarsInVirgo #QuarterMoonMadness #AstrologyNerd #IntergalacticGuru


SignToday Is Posting: 25.07.2023 07:52:01 (vir-25-07-2023)

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