We are currently in the sign of Virgo

The next Virgo will start in 337 days (Saturday, 23 August, 2025, 00:28 UTC)

The Moon moves to Virgo in 10 days (Monday, 30 September, 2024, 00:28 UTC)

Mercury is currently in Virgo

Mercury moves to Virgo in 348 days (Wednesday, 03 September, 2025, 00:28 UTC)

Venus moves to Virgo in 365 days (Saturday, 20 September, 2025, 00:28 UTC)

Mars moves to Virgo in 271 days (Wednesday, 18 June, 2025, 00:28 UTC)

 The Sun

The Sun In Virgo

Perfection is at an all-time high when the Sun is in meticulous Virgo!

This is a time when we'll say goodbye to the playful days of rambunctious Leo so that we can take life a bit more seriously. Sure, we'll all still be feeling the carefree summertime vibes, but the Virgo Sun shows us how to focus more on our work, our health, and how to make ourselves useful to society.

The Sun’s move into detail-oriented Virgo gives all of us a leg up on polishing our skills, getting organized, or doing any activities that require us to pay close attention. Get your work done. Then go for a run, get a deep tissue massage, and wind down with a good book and a glass of fine wine. Virgo is an Earth sign that values sensation and the best experiences in life.

Virgo doesn’t let anything go, which is a quality that is both invaluable and annoying. It’s great to have an eye for the smallest details, but if you’re double-checking someone else’s work, take it easy on them if you find fault, and you will, because the Sun is in Virgo!

Earthy Virgo finds comfort and security when surrounded by nature and wildlife, so get out to the country during the Virgo Sun. Such a serene setting will also calm Virgo’s overly anxious tendencies, and help you loosen up and relax. If you're staying around home, pick up a broom, a mop, and a new feather duster, because now is the perfect time to use that meticulous Virgo energy to get your home spotless.

Virgo can sometimes be too finicky, turning "perfect" into picky, which can be annoying and frustrating for others. Strive to loosen up a little and let a few things go. After all, not everything needs to be flawless. Sun in Virgo is an organized and practical period in which to get back to business after a few lighthearted months. It may not be all fun and games, but you will feel fantastic about how much you’ve accomplished.


Mercury In Virgo

Mercury’s move into Virgo begins a period when our minds are sharp, our speech becomes precise, and we’re able to communicate with others more efficiently. We aren’t interested in sugar-coating our words under this transit -- we want to cut through the clutter and get straight to the point.

Virgo is highly skilled at taking in tons of information and stripping out everything that’s not necessary. So while Mercury moves through Virgo, our power to analyze information becomes much stronger, which helps us communicate our thoughts in the clearest way possible.

Productivity is one of the biggest benefits of Mercury in Virgo. While it’s not the most fun transit, our opportunities to make real progress are huge. Instead of getting stuck in a trap of dead-end ideas or in conversations that seem to go in circles, we are intently focused on details and useful information, making this a time of great forward movement.

One thing we must be beware of during this transit is becoming hyper-critical. Discernment is a good thing, but during Mercury in Virgo we can be so focused on finding faults that we insult others or become frustrated by our own flaws. Refining the way we speak to others and conveying our opinions with tact is key with Mercury in this discriminating sign.

Virgo Report

"Virgo: Prepare for an 'Illogical' Week of Unexpected Twists, Turns, and Tofu Tuesdays!"

The next Virgo will start in 17 days, at Thursday, 24 August, 2023

The Moon moves to Virgo in 10 days, at Thursday, 17 August, 2023

Mercury is currently in Virgo

Venus moves to Virgo in 63 days, at Monday, 09 October, 2023

Mars is currently in Virgo

The Third Quarter moon is currently 21 days old. The next new moon is at 9:38:49, 16 Aug 2023. The next full moon is at 1:37:05, 31 Aug 2023.

Well hello there, Virgo! Brace yourself for some intergalactic insights coming your way. Mercury, your ruling planet, and Mars have both checked in at the "Virgo Inn" and they're turning things up in your world. In layman's terms, it's like having Han Solo and Chewbacca crash land the Millennium Falcon in your backyard. Chaos? Yes. But also epic fun and adventure! When Mercury is in Virgo, it's akin to R2-D2 being fully charged - your communication skills are on fire! Just remember, while R2-D2's beeps and boops are cute, make sure your messages are actually understood by others. Clear communication is as crucial as the blueprints to the Death Star. Meanwhile, Mars in Virgo is like Luke Skywalker wielding his lightsaber for justice. Your drive and ambition are strong, but don't cross over to the dark side. Balance is key. And remember, you're not trying to blow up any planets here. The Third Quarter moon, 21 days old, is like Yoda in his prime. Wise, contemplative and a little bit mysterious. This is a time for reflection and learning. So, grab your Jedi robe, sit under a tree and ponder about life’s mysteries. Who knows, you might come up with a theory that makes the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs! In a galaxy far, far away or just right here, remember, the force is with you, Virgo. Go forth, conquer and may the stars be your guide! #VirgoVibes #StarWarsHoroscope #MercuryInVirgo #MarsInVirgo #QuarterMoonWisdom #MayTheForceBeWithYou


SignToday Is Posting: 07.08.2023 07:52:02 (vir-07-08-2023)

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