
In Western astrology, astrological signs are the twelve 30° sectors of the ecliptic. The order of the astrological signs is Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Each sector is named for a constellation it passes through.

The concept of the zodiac originated in Babylonian astrology, and was later influenced by Hellenistic culture. According to astrology, celestial phenomena relate to human activity on the principle of "as above, so below", so that the signs are held to represent characteristic modes of expression.

Subcategories from this category:

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 39 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The Moon moves to Scorpio in 13 days, at Wednesday, 28 September, 2022Mercury moves...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 69 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 15 days, at Friday, 30 September, 2022Merc...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 98 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The Moon moves to Capricorn in 18 days, at Monday, 03 October, 2022Mercury mov...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 128 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The Moon moves to Aquarius in 20 days, at Wednesday, 05 October, 2022Mercury mo...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 157 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The Moon moves to Pisces in 22 days, at Friday, 07 October, 2022Mercury moves to P...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 188 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The Moon moves to Aries in 25 days, at Sunday, 09 October, 2022Mercury moves to Aries...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 219 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The moon is currently in TaurusMercury moves to Taurus in 202 days, at Tuesday, 04 Ap...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 250 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 2 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemin...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 281 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 5 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to Ca...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 312 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 7 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in ...

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Virgo Report

Virgo Tyler Perry is 53 today! Happy Birthday!The Waning Gibbous moon is currently 18.8 days old. The next new moon is at 21:54:04, 25 Sep 2022. The n...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 9 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The Moon moves to Libra in 12 days, at Monday, 26 September, 2022Mercury is currentl...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 40 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The Moon moves to Scorpio in 14 days, at Wednesday, 28 September, 2022Mercury moves...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 70 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 16 days, at Friday, 30 September, 2022Merc...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 99 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The Moon moves to Capricorn in 19 days, at Monday, 03 October, 2022Mercury mov...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 129 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The Moon moves to Aquarius in 21 days, at Wednesday, 05 October, 2022Mercury mo...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 158 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The Moon moves to Pisces in 23 days, at Friday, 07 October, 2022Mercury moves to P...

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The Moon is moving from Aries to Taurus.

The Moon is moving from Aries to Taurus in the next 24 hours. Moon In Taurus Keep things in focus while the moon is in Taurus. Take advantage of the p...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 189 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The moon is currently in AriesMercury moves to Aries in 187 days, at Sunday, 19 March...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 220 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus tomorrow, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to T...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 251 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 3 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemin...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 282 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 6 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to Ca...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 313 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 8 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in ...

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Virgo Report

Virgo Jean Smart is 71 today! Happy Birthday!The Waning Gibbous moon is currently 17.8 days old. The next new moon is at 21:54:04, 25 Sep 2022. The ne...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 10 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The Moon moves to Libra in 13 days, at Monday, 26 September, 2022Mercury is current...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 41 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The Moon moves to Scorpio in 15 days, at Wednesday, 28 September, 2022Mercury moves...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 71 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 17 days, at Friday, 30 September, 2022Merc...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 100 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The Moon moves to Capricorn in 20 days, at Monday, 03 October, 2022Mercury mo...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 130 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The Moon moves to Aquarius in 22 days, at Wednesday, 05 October, 2022Mercury mo...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 159 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The Moon moves to Pisces in 24 days, at Friday, 07 October, 2022Mercury moves to P...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 190 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The moon is currently in AriesMercury moves to Aries in 188 days, at Sunday, 19 March...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 221 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus in 2 days, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 252 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 4 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemin...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 283 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 7 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to Ca...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 314 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 9 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in ...

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Virgo Report

We are currently in the sign of VirgoThe Moon moves to Virgo in 12 days, at Saturday, 24 September, 2022Mercury moves to Virgo in 12 days, at Saturday...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 11 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The Moon moves to Libra in 14 days, at Monday, 26 September, 2022Mercury is current...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 42 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The Moon moves to Scorpio in 16 days, at Wednesday, 28 September, 2022Mercury moves...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 72 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 18 days, at Friday, 30 September, 2022Merc...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 101 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The Moon moves to Capricorn in 21 days, at Monday, 03 October, 2022Mercury mo...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 131 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The Moon moves to Aquarius in 23 days, at Wednesday, 05 October, 2022Mercury mo...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 160 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The Moon moves to Pisces in 25 days, at Friday, 07 October, 2022Mercury moves to P...

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The Moon is moving from Pisces to Aries.

The Moon is moving from Pisces to Aries in the next 24 hours. Moon In Aries Your passion and energy are on point while the moon is in Aries, so beware...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 191 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The Moon moves to Aries tomorrow, at Monday, 12 September, 2022Mercury moves to Aries...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 222 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus in 3 days, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 253 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 5 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemin...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 284 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 8 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to Ca...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 315 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 10 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in...

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Virgo Report

We are currently in the sign of VirgoThe Moon moves to Virgo in 13 days, at Saturday, 24 September, 2022Mercury moves to Virgo in 13 days, at Saturday...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 12 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The Moon moves to Libra in 15 days, at Monday, 26 September, 2022Mercury is current...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 43 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The Moon moves to Scorpio in 17 days, at Wednesday, 28 September, 2022Mercury moves...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 73 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 19 days, at Friday, 30 September, 2022Merc...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 102 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The Moon moves to Capricorn in 22 days, at Monday, 03 October, 2022Mercury mo...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 132 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The Moon moves to Aquarius in 24 days, at Wednesday, 05 October, 2022Mercury mo...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 161 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The moon is currently in PiscesMercury moves to Pisces in 173 days, at Friday, 03 ...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 192 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The Moon moves to Aries in 2 days, at Monday, 12 September, 2022Mercury moves to Arie...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 223 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus in 4 days, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 254 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 6 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemin...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 285 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 9 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to Ca...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 316 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 11 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in...

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Virgo Report

Virgo Colin Firth is 62 today! Happy Birthday!The Full moon is currently 14.6 days old. The next new moon is at 21:54:04, 25 Sep 2022. The next full m...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 13 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The Moon moves to Libra in 16 days, at Monday, 26 September, 2022Mercury is current...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 44 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The Moon moves to Scorpio in 18 days, at Wednesday, 28 September, 2022Mercury moves...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 74 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 20 days, at Friday, 30 September, 2022Merc...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 103 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The Moon moves to Capricorn in 23 days, at Monday, 03 October, 2022Mercury mo...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 133 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The Moon moves to Aquarius in 25 days, at Wednesday, 05 October, 2022Mercury mo...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 162 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The moon is currently in PiscesMercury moves to Pisces in 174 days, at Friday, 03 ...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 193 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The Moon moves to Aries in 3 days, at Monday, 12 September, 2022Mercury moves to Arie...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 224 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus in 5 days, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 255 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 7 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemin...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 286 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 10 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to C...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 317 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 12 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in...

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Virgo Report

We are currently in the sign of VirgoThe Moon moves to Virgo in 15 days, at Saturday, 24 September, 2022Mercury moves to Virgo in 15 days, at Saturday...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 14 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The Moon moves to Libra in 17 days, at Monday, 26 September, 2022Mercury is current...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 45 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The Moon moves to Scorpio in 19 days, at Wednesday, 28 September, 2022Mercury moves...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 75 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 21 days, at Friday, 30 September, 2022Merc...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 104 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The Moon moves to Capricorn in 24 days, at Monday, 03 October, 2022Mercury mo...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 134 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The Moon moves to Aquarius in 26 days, at Wednesday, 05 October, 2022Mercury mo...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 163 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The moon is currently in PiscesMercury moves to Pisces in 175 days, at Friday, 03 ...

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The Moon is moving from Aquarius to Pisces.

The Moon is moving from Aquarius to Pisces in the next 24 hours. Moon In Pisces The moon in Pisces means you're going to get distracted by your wildes...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 194 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The Moon moves to Aries in 4 days, at Monday, 12 September, 2022Mercury moves to Arie...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 225 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus in 6 days, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 256 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 8 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemin...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 287 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 11 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to C...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 318 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 13 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in...

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Virgo Report

We are currently in the sign of VirgoThe Moon moves to Virgo in 16 days, at Saturday, 24 September, 2022Mercury moves to Virgo in 16 days, at Saturday...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 15 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The Moon moves to Libra in 18 days, at Monday, 26 September, 2022Mercury is current...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 46 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The Moon moves to Scorpio in 20 days, at Wednesday, 28 September, 2022Mercury moves...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 76 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 22 days, at Friday, 30 September, 2022Merc...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 105 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The Moon moves to Capricorn in 25 days, at Monday, 03 October, 2022Mercury mo...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 135 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The moon is currently in AquariusMercury moves to Aquarius in 157 days, at Sund...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 164 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The Moon moves to Pisces tomorrow, at Friday, 09 September, 2022Mercury moves to P...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 195 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The Moon moves to Aries in 5 days, at Monday, 12 September, 2022Mercury moves to Arie...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 226 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus in 7 days, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 257 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 9 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemin...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 288 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 12 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to C...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 319 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 14 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in...

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Virgo Report

We are currently in the sign of VirgoThe Moon moves to Virgo in 17 days, at Saturday, 24 September, 2022Mercury moves to Virgo in 17 days, at Saturday...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 16 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The Moon moves to Libra in 19 days, at Monday, 26 September, 2022Mercury is current...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 47 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The Moon moves to Scorpio in 21 days, at Wednesday, 28 September, 2022Mercury moves...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 77 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 23 days, at Friday, 30 September, 2022Merc...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 106 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The Moon moves to Capricorn in 26 days, at Monday, 03 October, 2022Mercury mo...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 136 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The moon is currently in AquariusMercury moves to Aquarius in 158 days, at Sund...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 165 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The Moon moves to Pisces in 2 days, at Friday, 09 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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The Moon is moving from Capricorn to Aquarius.

The Moon is moving from Capricorn to Aquarius in the next 24 hours. Moon In Aquarius Pivot! Your originality is heightened while the moon is in Aquari...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 196 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The Moon moves to Aries in 6 days, at Monday, 12 September, 2022Mercury moves to Arie...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 227 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus in 8 days, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 258 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 10 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemi...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 289 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 13 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to C...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 320 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 15 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in...

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Virgo Report

Virgo Idris Elba is 50 today! Happy Birthday!The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 10.1 days old. The next new moon is at 21:54:04, 25 Sep 2022. The ne...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 17 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The Moon moves to Libra in 20 days, at Monday, 26 September, 2022Mercury is current...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 48 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The Moon moves to Scorpio in 22 days, at Wednesday, 28 September, 2022Mercury moves...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 78 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 24 days, at Friday, 30 September, 2022Merc...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 107 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The moon is currently in CapricornMercury moves to Capricorn in 92 days, at W...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 137 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The Moon moves to Aquarius tomorrow, at Wednesday, 07 September, 2022Mercury mo...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 166 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The Moon moves to Pisces in 3 days, at Friday, 09 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 197 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The Moon moves to Aries in 7 days, at Monday, 12 September, 2022Mercury moves to Arie...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 228 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus in 9 days, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 259 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 11 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemi...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 290 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 14 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to C...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 321 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 16 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in...

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Virgo Report

We are currently in the sign of VirgoThe Moon moves to Virgo in 19 days, at Saturday, 24 September, 2022Mercury moves to Virgo in 19 days, at Saturday...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 18 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The Moon moves to Libra in 21 days, at Monday, 26 September, 2022Mercury is current...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 49 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The Moon moves to Scorpio in 23 days, at Wednesday, 28 September, 2022Mercury moves...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 79 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 25 days, at Friday, 30 September, 2022Merc...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 108 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The moon is currently in CapricornMercury moves to Capricorn in 93 days, at W...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 138 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The Moon moves to Aquarius in 2 days, at Wednesday, 07 September, 2022Mercury m...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 167 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The Moon moves to Pisces in 4 days, at Friday, 09 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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The Moon is moving from Sagittarius to Capricorn.

The Moon is moving from Sagittarius to Capricorn in the next 24 hours. Moon In Capricorn How much do you have left undone right now? Focus your attent...

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Venus is moving from Leo to Virgo.

Venus is moving from Leo to Virgo in the next 24 hours. #Venus #Virgo #Leo

Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 198 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The Moon moves to Aries in 8 days, at Monday, 12 September, 2022Mercury moves to Arie...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 229 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus in 10 days, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 260 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 12 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemi...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 291 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 15 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to C...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 322 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 17 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in...

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Virgo Report

Virgo Mark Ronson is 47 today! Happy Birthday!Virgo Wes Bentley is 44 today! Happy Birthday!The First Quarter moon is currently 7.9 days old. The next...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 19 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The Moon moves to Libra in 22 days, at Monday, 26 September, 2022Mercury is current...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 50 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The Moon moves to Scorpio in 24 days, at Wednesday, 28 September, 2022Mercury moves...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 80 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The moon is currently in SagittariusMercury moves to Sagittarius in 75 days...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 109 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The Moon moves to Capricorn tomorrow, at Monday, 05 September, 2022Mercury mo...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 139 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The Moon moves to Aquarius in 3 days, at Wednesday, 07 September, 2022Mercury m...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 168 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The Moon moves to Pisces in 5 days, at Friday, 09 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 199 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The Moon moves to Aries in 9 days, at Monday, 12 September, 2022Mercury moves to Arie...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 230 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus in 11 days, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 261 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 13 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemi...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 292 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 16 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to C...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 323 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 18 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in...

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Virgo Report

We are currently in the sign of VirgoThe Moon moves to Virgo in 21 days, at Saturday, 24 September, 2022Mercury moves to Virgo in 21 days, at Saturday...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 20 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The Moon moves to Libra in 23 days, at Monday, 26 September, 2022Mercury is current...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 51 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The Moon moves to Scorpio in 25 days, at Wednesday, 28 September, 2022Mercury moves...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 81 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The moon is currently in SagittariusMercury moves to Sagittarius in 76 days...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 110 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The Moon moves to Capricorn in 2 days, at Monday, 05 September, 2022Mercury m...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 140 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The Moon moves to Aquarius in 4 days, at Wednesday, 07 September, 2022Mercury m...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 169 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The Moon moves to Pisces in 6 days, at Friday, 09 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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The Moon is moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius.

The Moon is moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius in the next 24 hours. Moon In Sagittarius Keep that optimistic outlook! Your positive attitude while th...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 200 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The Moon moves to Aries in 10 days, at Monday, 12 September, 2022Mercury moves to Ari...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 231 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus in 12 days, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 262 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 14 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemi...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 293 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 17 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to C...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 324 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 19 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in...

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Virgo Report

Virgo Keanu Reeves is 58 today! Happy Birthday!The First Quarter moon is currently 5.8 days old. The next new moon is at 21:54:04, 25 Sep 2022. The ne...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 21 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The Moon moves to Libra in 24 days, at Monday, 26 September, 2022Mercury is current...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 52 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The moon is currently in ScorpioMercury moves to Scorpio in 58 days, at Sunday, 30 ...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 82 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The Moon moves to Sagittarius tomorrow, at Saturday, 03 September, 2022Merc...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 111 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The Moon moves to Capricorn in 3 days, at Monday, 05 September, 2022Mercury m...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 141 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The Moon moves to Aquarius in 5 days, at Wednesday, 07 September, 2022Mercury m...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 170 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The Moon moves to Pisces in 7 days, at Friday, 09 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 201 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The Moon moves to Aries in 11 days, at Monday, 12 September, 2022Mercury moves to Ari...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 232 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus in 13 days, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 263 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 15 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemi...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 294 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 18 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to C...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 325 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 20 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in...

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Virgo Report

Virgo Zendaya is 26 today! Happy Birthday!The Waxing Crescent moon is currently 4.8 days old. The next new moon is at 21:54:04, 25 Sep 2022. The next ...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 22 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The Moon moves to Libra in 25 days, at Monday, 26 September, 2022Mercury is current...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 53 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The moon is currently in ScorpioMercury moves to Scorpio in 59 days, at Sunday, 30 ...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 83 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 2 days, at Saturday, 03 September, 2022Mer...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 112 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The Moon moves to Capricorn in 4 days, at Monday, 05 September, 2022Mercury m...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 142 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The Moon moves to Aquarius in 6 days, at Wednesday, 07 September, 2022Mercury m...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 171 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The Moon moves to Pisces in 8 days, at Friday, 09 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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The Moon is moving from Libra to Scorpio.

The Moon is moving from Libra to Scorpio in the next 24 hours. Moon In Scorpio Scorpio's moon reminds you to avoid distractions. Your emotions are lik...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 202 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The Moon moves to Aries in 12 days, at Monday, 12 September, 2022Mercury moves to Ari...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 233 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus in 14 days, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 264 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 16 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemi...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 295 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 19 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to C...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 326 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 21 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in...

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Virgo Report

Virgo Richard Gere is 73 today! Happy Birthday!The Waxing Crescent moon is currently 3.8 days old. The next new moon is at 21:54:04, 25 Sep 2022. The ...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 23 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The moon is currently in LibraMercury is currently in LibraVenus moves to Libra in ...

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Scorpio Report

The next Scorpio will start in 54 days, at Monday, 24 October, 2022The Moon moves to Scorpio tomorrow, at Thursday, 01 September, 2022Mercury moves to...

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Sagittarius Report

The next Sagittarius will start in 84 days, at Wednesday, 23 November, 2022The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 3 days, at Saturday, 03 September, 2022Mer...

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Capricorn Report

The next Capricorn will start in 113 days, at Thursday, 22 December, 2022The Moon moves to Capricorn in 5 days, at Monday, 05 September, 2022Mercury m...

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Aquarius Report

The next Aquarius will start in 143 days, at Saturday, 21 January, 2023The Moon moves to Aquarius in 7 days, at Wednesday, 07 September, 2022Mercury m...

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Pisces Report

The next Pisces will start in 172 days, at Sunday, 19 February, 2023The Moon moves to Pisces in 9 days, at Friday, 09 September, 2022Mercury moves to ...

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Aries Report

The next Aries will start in 203 days, at Tuesday, 21 March, 2023The Moon moves to Aries in 13 days, at Monday, 12 September, 2022Mercury moves to Ari...

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Taurus Report

The next Taurus will start in 234 days, at Friday, 21 April, 2023The Moon moves to Taurus in 15 days, at Wednesday, 14 September, 2022Mercury moves to...

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Gemini Report

The next Gemini will start in 265 days, at Monday, 22 May, 2023The Moon moves to Gemini in 17 days, at Friday, 16 September, 2022Mercury moves to Gemi...

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Cancer Report

The next Cancer will start in 296 days, at Thursday, 22 June, 2023The Moon moves to Cancer in 20 days, at Monday, 19 September, 2022Mercury moves to C...

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Leo Report

The next Leo will start in 327 days, at Sunday, 23 July, 2023The Moon moves to Leo in 22 days, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2022Mercury moves to Leo in...

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Virgo Report

Virgo Bebe Rexha is 33 today! Happy Birthday!The Waxing Crescent moon is currently 2.8 days old. The next new moon is at 21:54:04, 25 Sep 2022. The ne...

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Libra Report

The next Libra will start in 24 days, at Friday, 23 September, 2022The moon is currently in LibraMercury is currently in LibraVenus moves to Libra in ...

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